Este perrito discapacitado goza de una segunda oportunidad gracias a su GENIAL dueño

Amar demasiado a los animales nunca es un problema. Eso pensaron los dueños de Bentley. 

Este perrito fue diagnosticado de Mielopatía Degenerativa, una enfermedad cuyos síntomas se parecen a los de la Esclerosis Múltiple en los humanos. Sus dueños, Barbi y Dan, quisieron darle la oportunidad de tener una vida plena y feliz. Un invento sencillo pero también genial permite que Bentley pueda salir a jugar y pasear como cualquier otro perro.


They of course gave it a snazzy paint job

While Barbi and Dan went to lunch, her dad couldn't help himself from getting started on the project

"We started big and worked our way back

Comfy, fluffy fabric is used for the side touching Bentley while an easier to clean ripstop fabric is used for the underside

The bottom bar is mostly structural at the moment, but when he eventually loses all use of his hind legs it will be able to function as a nice foot rest

Before the project, this was all the poor guy had the strength to do

Barbi explains the jouring strap as something she &q_0007

He was unsure about what the contraption was at first, but got into the swing of thing in no time

That's a happy pup! Barbi reports that he is now more confident to use the strength he has rather than giving up like he used to

The middle bar acts as a kickstand and keeps Bentley from rolling away when resting

The RuffWear harness Bentley wears on a regular basis helped with designing his new set of wheels

En este video podrás apreciar la alegría que irradia el pequeño Bentley gracias al ingenio de sus dueños:


Compártelo para que tus amigos sepan que todas las criaturas merecen una vida plena y llena de felicidad.

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